Bariq Academy

Introduction (or Learning Tajweed Importance)

    • The Holy Quran holds immense importance for every Muslim anywhere in the world.
    • Every Muslim believes that reciting the Quran with Tajweed rules is essential to earn the highest reward and ranks in this world and the Hereafter.
    • Many Muslims wish to learn Tajweed to recite the Quran beautifully and correctly.
    • With the advancement of technology, Internet & Video conference applications, any Muslim could now learn Quran with Tajweed from the comfort of his home with a professional Quran Tutor who is certified at Tajweed Al-Quran.
  • Flexible Schedule 24/7
  • Affordable Tuition Fee
  • Qualified Quran Tutors
  • Female Quran Tutors
  • Easy Quran Lessons for kids
  • Money Back Guarantee
Qur’an Tajweed Course

What is Tajweed ?

Tajweed rules refer to the correct pronunciation and articulation of Arabic words and sounds.

Our Tajweed Course Advantages:

  1. Online Quranic courses with Bariq Academy are available to help Muslims learn Holy Quran, Memorizing it & how to recite it correctly with the rules of Tajweed.
  2. The goal of learning Tajweed is to recite the Quran beautifully and correctly by applying all the rules of Tajweed.
  3. The starting point for learning Tajweed is to listen to the teacher and then recite the Quran while applying all the rules correctly.
  4. A beautiful recitation of the Quran with Tajweed requires practice, dedication, and guidance from experienced teachers.
  5. Our academy offers flexibility and convenience for learners, allowing them to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.
  6. Learning Tajweed not only enhances one's recitation of the Quran but also deepens their understanding and appreciation of the Holy text.
  7. Online Tajweed courses offer a structured curriculum and personalized feedback to ensure learners' progress and mastery of the rules of Tajweed.
  8. Our Tajweed teachers are experienced and qualified to teach Tajweed, and they offer individualized attention to their learners' needs.

Who Is This Course For ?

Tajweed course is suitable for learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners.

There is a private classes and rooms for female with female tutors/teachers.

  • Plan 01

  • $17

  • 4
    Classes Per Month
  • 1
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 02

  • $34

  • 8
    Classes Per Month
  • 2
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 03

  • $51

  • 12
    Classes Per Month
  • 3
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 04

  • $68

  • 16
    Classes Per Month
  • 4
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 05

  • $85

  • 20
    Classes Per Month
  • 5
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
Schedule Free Trial

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