Bariq Academy
  • In Salah classes, our scholars will teach you the best way of offering prayer or Namaz. However, Duas are the Islamic supplications where you will learn all the necessary pray of your daily routine.

  • Kalimahs are the six Islamic phrases or the bases of Muslim beliefs. Every Muslim needs to memorize them by heart. Lastly, Sunnah is the practice of things that our Prophet ever did in His life, whose life is the best exemplar for us!

  • This course is best for both children and adults because, in this course, you will learn the Salah (Namaz) initially and learn all its necessities by reforming your Salah.

  • Flexible Schedule 24/7
  • Affordable Tuition Fee
  • Qualified Quran Tutors
  • Female Quran Tutors
  • Easy Quran Lessons for kids
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Plan 01

  • $17

  • 4
    Classes Per Month
  • 1
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 02

  • $34

  • 8
    Classes Per Month
  • 2
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 03

  • $51

  • 12
    Classes Per Month
  • 3
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 04

  • $68

  • 16
    Classes Per Month
  • 4
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
  • Plan 05

  • $85

  • 20
    Classes Per Month
  • 5
    Class Per Week
  • Online Support
  • 30
    mins Per Class
Schedule Free Trial

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